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Doors Fire-Doors

Fire doors in MB-78EI system are tight and show fire insulation.

They meet the requirements of more and more competitive Polish and European standards when it comes to the construction which is covered in fire of the safety zone of people and common property evacuation. The system of fire walls MB-78EI is used to manufacture inner and outer fire partitions with one or two-wings doors, which fire resistance class is EI15, EI30, EI45 or EI60. 

The MB-78EI construction is based on aluminium profiles with thermal separator. Construction depth of sections amounts for 78 mm. The profiles show low value of heat infiltration coefficient U, which is thanks to the application of purposely profiled thermal separators, which width reaches 34 mm. This system allows the glazing of all typical fire-resistant panes of appropriate classes (thickness of the fillings amounts for 13 – 49 mm). It also covers fume-resistant constructions of several types.